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Fire retardant paint for wood and metal. Ready to eat. High degree of protection. Dries quickly. Does not contain solvents. Economical. Easy to apply to the substrate. It is not toxic. Has a neutral odor. For interior work. Environmentally friendly product.

Type of material: Fire retardant intumescent compound for load-bearing steel structures and water-based wood for interior use.

Composition: intumescent inorganic and organic fillers, fiberglass, polymer dispersion, functional additives, water.

Color: White

Density: Approximately 1.7 g / cm3.

Application: Brush, roller, airless spray.

Application: Ready-to-use, one-component, water-based intumescent fire retardant paint. The paint is designed to reduce the fire hazard and increase the fire resistance of metal and wooden structures and structures for various purposes. When exposed to fire on surfaces covered with fire retardant paint

"Fireshield", it increases in volume tenfold with the formation of non-combustible foam with low thermal conductivity, thereby preventing the heating of the metal or wood surface above the critical value. At the same time, the metal does not lose its strength, and the wooden structures do not catch fire.

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1 Kilogram
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    Наш адрес: Алматы, ул. Спасская, 68. Лакокрасочный завод Kaizer.  

    • 8 (701) 032-83-15

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